Thursday, November 20

Diary entry pt. deux ;

Jazzie says;
this has been such and up &nd down week for me ; seems like everything is slowly starting to fall into place tho ;
Homeschool is amazing ; so glad i left granada tht skwl was so awful , no more stress'n ovR late night projects ; &nd 7am wake up'z ; so lovely .
but yah ; time to get focused &nd get a job ,
Birthday countdown- 10 dayz !
i hope 17 ; is nothing like 16 .

Jazzie &nd thee duchess ;

Jazzie says;

I love this girl beyond reason ; my beautiful sister Jbetty herself ; had to give her a dedication we have jst been vib'n more then evR lately &nd i love it ! ; honestly dn't kno wht i would do w/o her in my life .

I love yew jerisshhhhaaa ! <3333

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